Care More Pharmacy is now a Prescription Medication Disposal location through
The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)
- Prescription Disposal Program.
Why Dispose?
Every year it is estimated that more than 250 million pounds of unused meds are disposed of improperly. When unwanted medications are disposed of properly, it protects our families, our community, as well as our environment. Disposing of medications can potentially keep our homes safer while eliminating and preventing the misuse of medications as well as deterring theft.
For the most part, improperly disposing of medications puts our environment at risk when we flush or throw away medications as they find their way into our waterways and thus, aquatic life would be at risk.
Do your part, dispose medications properly and ask your pharmacist for more information.
do not flush down the toilet
Medications that are flushed down the toilet will pollute our water and contaminate our food.
Throwing medications in the trash will lead to them being supplied at landfills which creates contamination in our water supply.